Today at the Token 2049 conference in Singapore, Sam Altman, co-creator of Worldcoin and CEO of OpenAI, acknowledged that Worldcoin faces significant logistical hurdles. He specifically pointed out the challenges in producing their signature “orbs,” as well as overcoming public resistance to biometric identification like iris scans. However, he’s optimistic about the project’s direction.
Worldcoin, which officially launched on July 24, uses these orbs to enable users to verify their identities through iris scans. The orbs have been set up in various cities globally, mainly in the Global South.
Alex Blania, another co-founder of Worldcoin, mentioned that engaging with regulators and policymakers has become a big part of his role since the project’s debut. He recounted the overwhelming public response post-launch, describing how difficult it was to manage long lines of people waiting to sign up.
Despite previous concerns about data privacy, Blania emphasized that Worldcoin doesn’t retain the iris scan data after verification. He sees the project as a potentially game-changing, privacy-preserving way to establish online identity verification on a global scale.