David Edwards

Welcome to my author page! I'm Yaroslav aka DavidEdwards, a dedicated cryptocurrency enthusiast with a Bachelor’s degree in Cyber Security. With hundreds of posts and counting, I delve into the fascinating realms of cryptocurrency and airdrops, sharing my insights and knowledge. Whether you're a newbie or a seasoned crypto aficionado, my posts aim to simplify complex concepts and keep you updated on the latest trends and opportunities. Join me on this exciting journey through the ever-evolving digital currency landscape!

Author’s posts

Top 5 Crypto to Invest in 2024: A Guide to Secure Your Future

Definitely, the crypto market is on a fast track, constantly revealing new crypto to invest in 2024. As we move into 2024, a wave of...


Derby Stars is a horse racing metaverse game operating on the Polygon blockchain. In this game, players can breed, train, and trade NFT horses....

EtherMail AirDrop

EtherMail is the first Web 3.0 Email Solution setting the standard for anonymous and encrypted wallet-to-wallet communication. They're building the bridge between web 2.0...

Second Arkham Airdrop

Arkham is a cutting-edge intelligence platform that provides insights into real-world entities and deanonymizes crypto market activity. With Arkham, you can track the actions of...

eTukTuk Airdrop

eTukTuk is a real-world business helping to reduce noise and air pollution in the busiest cities in emerging markets. By offering a custom-designed, lightweight...