Cryptocurrency analytics and forecastsUpcoming economic events 3 September 2024

Upcoming economic events 3 September 2024

01:30🇦🇺2 pointsCurrent Account (Q2)-5.0B-4.9B
03:35🇯🇵2 points10-Year JGB Auction———0.926%
13:45🇺🇸3 pointsS&P Global US Manufacturing PMI (Aug)48.148.0
14:00🇺🇸2 pointsConstruction Spending (MoM) (Jul)0.1%-0.3%
14:00🇺🇸2 pointsISM Manufacturing Employment (Aug)———43.4
14:00🇺🇸3 pointsISM Manufacturing PMI (Aug)47.546.8
14:00🇺🇸3 pointsISM Manufacturing Prices (Aug)52.552.9
14:00🇪🇺2 pointsECB’s Supervisory Board Member Jochnick Speaks——————
15:00🇺🇸2 pointsAtlanta Fed GDPNow2.5%2.5%

Summary of Upcoming Economic Events on September 3, 2024

  1. Australia Current Account (Q2) (01:30 UTC): The balance of payments, showing the difference between the value of a country’s imports and exports of goods and services. Forecast: -5.0B, Previous: -4.9B.
  2. Japan 10-Year JGB Auction (03:35 UTC): Auction of 10-year Japanese Government Bonds. Previous Yield: 0.926%.
  3. US S&P Global US Manufacturing PMI (Aug) (13:45 UTC): Measures activity in the US manufacturing sector. Forecast: 48.1, Previous: 48.0.
  4. US Construction Spending (MoM) (Jul) (14:00 UTC): Monthly change in the total amount spent on construction. Forecast: +0.1%, Previous: -0.3%.
  5. US ISM Manufacturing Employment (Aug) (14:00 UTC): Employment trends in the US manufacturing sector. Previous: 43.4.
  6. US ISM Manufacturing PMI (Aug) (14:00 UTC): Measures activity in the US manufacturing sector. Forecast: 47.5, Previous: 46.8.
  7. US ISM Manufacturing Prices (Aug) (14:00 UTC): Measures changes in prices within the manufacturing sector. Forecast: 52.5, Previous: 52.9.
  8. ECB’s Supervisory Board Member Jochnick Speaks (14:00 UTC): Remarks from Kerstin Jochnick, providing insights into ECB supervisory policy and financial stability.
  9. Atlanta Fed GDPNow (15:00 UTC): Real-time estimate of US GDP growth. Forecast: 2.5%, Previous: 2.5%.

Market Impact Analysis

  • Australia Current Account: A larger deficit than expected could weaken AUD, indicating more capital is leaving the country than entering. A smaller deficit could support AUD, indicating stronger economic health.
  • Japan 10-Year JGB Auction: Yields on 10-year bonds impact JPY; higher demand leading to lower yields can strengthen JPY, while low demand and higher yields can weaken it.
  • US Manufacturing PMI (S&P Global and ISM): Readings below 50 indicate contraction. Lower figures can suggest weakness in the manufacturing sector, potentially weighing on USD and affecting equities. Improving figures may signal recovery.
  • US Construction Spending: An increase in spending supports economic growth, potentially boosting USD and indicating confidence in the construction sector.
  • US ISM Manufacturing Employment: A low reading indicates potential job cuts in manufacturing, which could raise concerns about economic strength.
  • US ISM Manufacturing Prices: Rising prices suggest inflationary pressures in manufacturing, potentially impacting Fed policy expectations.
  • Atlanta Fed GDPNow: A stable or increasing estimate supports market confidence in economic growth, positively impacting USD.

Overall Impact

  • Volatility: Moderate, with potential reactions in equity, bond, currency, and commodity markets, particularly with a focus on manufacturing and construction sectors in the US.
  • Impact Score: 6/10, indicating moderate potential for market movements.

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