Crypto airdrops listThetanuts Finance Airdrop - Everything We Know

Thetanuts Finance Airdrop – Everything We Know

Thetanuts Finance is a decentralized on-chain options protocol focused on altcoin options, allowing users to go long or short on on-chain options. Embark on a series of quests designed to immerse you in Thetanuts Finance’s offerings.

Investments in the project: $35M

Step-by-Step Guide:

  1. First Galxe Campaign here (Answers: All of the above)
  2. Second Galxe Campaign here (Answers: C, C, C, C)
  3. Third Galxe Campaign here (Answers: D, C, B, C | B, B, A, B)
  4. Discord
  5. Google form

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